About Us

 AS deep you dig the sand spring flows

As deep you learn the knowledge grows.


In the modern world students are patent to search and learn. They loved exploring, as a result technology in the facilitating new generation. Even though education is incredibly beneficial to student’s growth in the modern world, how they utilize it will determine whether they obtain useful or determent end result. Intention should be uppermost, as bad intention, could will end up disastrous. Likewise, knife was designed for hunting but also survival.  Whish also symbolized power strength and honor yet the user has the control over good and bad in handling for that reason we have created this platform for an impeccable education for the students and we will keep striving to our vision by accomplishing our mission on this platform for a better education system in the future.



In order to engage students in learning using the emerging technology with the aim of providing the accurate knowledge. We established our premium services via website like Zoom, WhatsApp and Viber community etc.


Our Social media

We provide our premium education continuously through social media platforms like Zoom, WhatsApp, Viber community and Viber etc, island wide.


Our Network

When using network, we face fair amount of challenges in our day to day life. Considering the challenges, we have designed our network in a more convenient way. Where our students can easily search for diverse amount of question paper in our network established on 2024/09/..... Thereby this platform has created an outstanding guide to the user’s island wide.[-


Our contact

Gmail: -

Telephone: -

Follow as on

1.     Facebook

2.     Viber

3.     WhatsApp





Logo design







Text Box: EnglishText Box: EnvironmentText Box: TamilPrimary

Text Box: Maths 



Text Box: ScienceText Box: MathsSecondary

Text Box: Tamil
Text Box: EnglishText Box: History
Text Box: Commerce & Business studies
Text Box: Geography
Text Box: Religion





Advanced Level




Competitive exams

PGD, Bed





Grade 6 - 9






          Roman Catholicism / Christianity

          Non roman Catholicism



          Civics Education

          Health & Physical Education




          Information Technology




          Drama and Theatre


Grade 10 - 11






          Roman Catholicism / Christianity

          Non roman Catholicism


          Mother language (Tamil)


Category - I

          Business & Accounting


          Civics Education

          2nd Language

          Entrepreneurship studies

          Pale language

          Sanskrit language

          French language

          German language

          Hindi language

          Japanese language

          Arabic language

          Korean language

          Chinese language

          Russian language


Category - II

          Eastern music

          Western music

          Carnatic music

          Eastern Dancing

Bharatha Dancing


Appt.of English literary

Text (English literature)

Appt.of Sinhala literary

Text (Sinhala literature)

Appt.of Tamil literary

Text (Tamil literature)

Appt.of Arabic literary

Text (Arabic literature)

Drama & theatre


Category - III

                   Information & Communication Technology

                   Agriculture & Food Technology

                   Aquatic Bio Resources Technology

                   Arts & Crafts

                   Home Economics

                   Health & Physical Education

                   Communication & media studies

                   Design & Mechanical Technology

                   Design & Construction


Advanced Level           

Arts Stream                                                Commerce Stream

Islamic civilization                                            Economics

Political science                                                 Business studies

Islam                                                                   Accounting

Tamil                                                                        Informatics Practices

Geography                                                              Mathematics


Home Economic





Biological sciences                                   Physical sciences

Betony                                                       Chemistry

Chemistry                                                  Computer science

Physics                                                           Mathematics

Zoology                                                         Applied Mathematics

                                                                        Industrial Mathematics



Maths stream

Combined mathematics












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